The origins of the Ikueitomo Association

The Ikuei Friendship Association was formed in 1956 by volunteers who are alumni of the Japan Scholarship Association. Since then, the number of members has exceeded 730,000, and the group has branch offices all over the country, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, and each branch or branch jointly conducts friendship and service activities.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we had no choice but to suspend our activities, and during that time, the relationships we had built and passed on to our students were severed. With the remaining staff at the center, we changed the organization to suit the times and set up a system that could respond flexibly and restarted.

Chairman: Atsumu Nishimori (Hokkaido Branch)
Vice-chairman: Natsuko Murakami (Chugoku-Shikoku Branch)

Declaration of establishment of the Ikuei Friendship Association (November 10, 1956) (revised May 23, 2004)

 On November 10, 1956, we established the ``Ikuei Friendship Association'' by deciding on the Declaration of the Expansion Committee for Preparation for the Establishment of the ``Ikuei Friendship Association''.
Based on this declaration, and in cooperation with the Japan Scholarship Association, for many years we have continued support activities for junior scholarship students, such as scholarship meetings, traveling lectures, and loans for enrollment preparation, as well as activities to promote friendship among members. Now, as we launch the Japan Student Services Organization, an independent administrative agency that has inherited the business of the Japan Scholarship Foundation, we are building a cooperative relationship with the Japan Student Services Organization, just as we did with the Japan Student Services Organization, and are a group of people who broadly share the same aspirations. Together, we will expand our circle of members, further expand volunteer activities in line with the following philosophy, promote the healthy development of social contribution activities, and strive to increase our social credibility.

(1)As former scholarship students of the Japan Student Services Organization and the Japan Scholarship Foundation, and as those who support the purpose of the Japan Student Services Organization, we, as a nationwide organization, will work together across all factions. We will strive to become people who meet the expectations of the people by being friendly and supporting each other.
(2)As people who have a good understanding of our junior students who are walking the same path as us, we will do everything we can to support them.
(3)We will pay our respects to the society that supported our studies, and we will appeal to the general public to cooperate in building a cultural nation that values education.
(4)We will always have a deep interest in the Japan Student Services Organization, which actually conducts student support projects, and will serve as good advisors and actual collaborators regarding its operations.

Purpose of the Ikueito Friendship Association

・ Support for junior scholarship students
・ Cooperation with Japan Student Services Organization scholarship projects
・ Contribution to society
・ Friendship and exchange between members

Main projects (activities) of the Ikueitomo Association

・ Regional exchange meetings for international students and scholarship students
・ Gatherings of scholarship students - Various events at branches and districts (joint branches)
・ Study support system (new recruitment has been canceled)
・ Enrollment preparation loan system (business is currently suspended)

Composition of Ikueiyu no Kai members

・Alumni of the Japan Scholarship Foundation (currently Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship recipients
・and other members of the general public who agree with the philosophy and purpose of the activities.

Ikueitomo Association Terms and Conditions

Ikueiyu Association Rules
(April 28, 1955) Revised May 21, 1980
Revised May 30, 1982
Revised May 21, 1994
Revised May 23, 1998
Revised May 23, 1999
Revised May 23, 2005
Revised May 21, 2011
Revised May 19, 2012
Revised March 15, 2015

Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 This association is called the Ikueiyu no Kai.
Article 2 The office of this association is located at 10-7 Ichigayahonmura-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
Article 3 The Association may establish branches in each prefecture.
Article 4 When using the name of this association, approval must be obtained from the board of directors.
2 The Society shall not be held responsible for any person who uses the Society's name without obtaining approval from the Society.
Article 5 The Association may establish regulations to implement the provisions stipulated in this agreement.
2 Regulations shall be established by the Chairman after a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 2 Purpose and Projects
Article 6 This association conducts student support projects, cooperates with the projects of the Japan Student Services Organization, and facilitates the development of the student support system by increasing national interest in student support projects. The purpose is to create a social environment that fosters learning.
Article 7 In order to achieve the purpose set forth in the preceding article, this association will carry out the following activities.
(1) Projects related to friendship and training through lectures and study groups, etc.
(2) Projects related to support for students to continue their studies
(3) Projects to support research activities of students
(4) Welfare programs such as establishment of accommodation and meeting facilities
(5) Projects to increase social understanding of student support projects
(6) Projects for each member's parent school
(7) Other projects necessary to achieve the objectives of the Association
Article 8. Do not engage in activities for specific individuals or organizations that violate regulations.
Article 9 In carrying out its business, the Society shall maintain close contact with the Japan Student Services Organization and other organizations involved in support projects for students, such as schools.

Chapter 3 Membership
Article 10 The members of this association shall be the following persons who agree with the purpose and business of this association.
(1) Members Those who have joined this association
(2) Regular members Those who have paid the membership fee specified in the next article
(3) Honorary members Those who have been approved at the convention pursuant to the provisions of Article 15
2 Regular members will be issued a membership card.
Article 11 Membership fees shall be annual fees, and the amount shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 12 Already paid membership fees will not be refunded.
Article 13 Regular members will lose their qualifications for the following reasons.
(2)When membership fees are not paid for more than one year
2 Members who wish to withdraw from membership may do so at any time by submitting a notice of withdrawal to the chairman.
Article 14 If a member falls under any of the following items, he or she may be expelled by resolution of the convention.
(1) When there is an act that seriously damages the reputation of this association
(2) When there is an act that violates the purpose and spirit of this association
2 The resolution in the preceding paragraph requires the consent of two-thirds or more of the attendees shall be.
3 If requested by the member concerned, the member or his or her representative shall be given an opportunity to state their opinion before the resolution set forth in the preceding two paragraphs.
Article 15 The Society may have honorary members, advisors, and advisors.
2 Honorary members shall be recommended by the Board of Directors from among academic experts who have an understanding of the Society.
3 Honorary members shall be lifelong members.
4 The provisions of Article 11 shall not apply to honorary members.
5 Advisors and advisors may be appointed from among the members at the recommendation of the board of directors.

Chapter 4 Officers, Councilors and Secretariat Members
Article 16 The Association shall have the following officers.
(1) President: 1 person
(2) Vice Presidents: Several persons
(3) Directors: At least 5 and no more than 10 persons
(4) Auditors: At least 1 and no more than 3 persons
2 The officers mentioned in the previous paragraph must be full members.
3 In addition to the duties stipulated in Article 22, the auditors must not be involved in the operation of the organization.
Article 17: The organization shall have no more than 35 councillors.
2 The councillors must be full members.
3 The number of councillors to be elected will be determined separately.
Article 18: The organization shall establish a secretariat and appoint a Secretary-General and the necessary secretariat committee members for the operation of the organization.
2 The Secretary-General shall be appointed and dismissed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
3 The Secretary-General shall be a director.
4 The secretariat committee members shall be recommended by the branches and directors and appointed and dismissed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
5 The secretariat committee members must be full members.
6 Matters related to the personnel of the secretariat committee members shall be determined separately.
Article 19: The President and Vice Presidents shall be elected from among the directors by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.
2 The directors shall be elected from among the councillors by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.
3 The Board of Directors may, within the scope it deems necessary for the organization's operations, elect up to two directors from among the full members other than those in the previous paragraph, who must then be approved by the General Assembly.
4 The auditors shall be elected by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.
Article 20: Councillors shall be elected by the branches and the Board of Directors respectively.
Article 21: The President represents the organization and oversees its affairs.
2 The Vice Presidents assist the President and, in the event of an accident or vacancy, act as substitutes in the order previously determined for that period.
3 The directors form the Board of Directors and deliberate and execute the organization’s affairs based on the resolutions of the General Assembly.
Article 22: The auditors shall perform the following duties:
(1) Auditing the organization’s property.
(2) Auditing the execution of duties by the directors.
(3) Reporting to the General Assembly if any irregularities are found in the previous two items.
(4) Convening meetings for the purpose of the previous report.
Article 23: The term of office for officers, councillors, and secretariat committee members is two years, and reappointment is not precluded.
2 Officers may resign with the approval of the Board of Directors in special circumstances.
3 The term of office for officers and councillors appointed to fill vacancies shall be the remaining term of their predecessors.
4 If an officer or councillor’s term ends without a successor being appointed, they shall continue to perform their duties until a successor is determined.
5 An officer may be dismissed during their term if they engage in conduct unbecoming of an officer, through a resolution of the General Assembly.
Article 24: Full members among the advisors and consultants recommended under Article 15 may attend meetings and express their opinions.
Article 25: Officers may be remunerated.

Chapter 5: Meetings
Article 26: The meetings of the organization shall consist of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Branch Presidents’ Conference.
2 The General Assembly consists of councillors, directors who are not councillors, and auditors.
3 Full members not mentioned in the previous paragraph may attend the General Assembly but do not have voting rights.
4 The Board of Directors consists of directors.
5 Councillors and branch operating committee members who are not directors may attend the Board of Directors meetings but do not have voting rights.
6 The President may invite secretariat committee members to attend the Board of Directors meetings as necessary, but they do not have voting rights.
7 The Branch Presidents’ Conference consists of branch presidents and directors.
8 Minutes of the meetings must be prepared and signed by two of the attending members and the chairman.
Article 27: In addition to what is stipulated in this constitution, the General Assembly shall resolve the following matters:
(1) Basic policies of the organization’s affairs
(2) Amendments to the constitution
(3) Dissolution
(4) Business plans and income and expenditure budgets
(5) Business reports and settlement of accounts
(6) Other important matters related to the organization’s operations
2 In addition to what is stipulated in this constitution, the General Assembly shall report the following matters:
(1) Inventory of assets
(2) Honorary members, advisors, and consultants recommended under Article 15
Article 28: In addition to what is stipulated in this constitution, the Board of Directors shall deliberate on the following matters:
(1) Matters to be submitted to the General Assembly
(2) Other matters related to the execution of the organization’s affairs that do not require a resolution of the General Assembly
2 The President may establish a committee to deliberate on important matters related to the operation of the organization and may consult it. This committee may also deliberate on routine matters that do not require a resolution of the Board of Directors.
Article 29: The General Assembly shall, in principle, be held in May each year.
2 Extraordinary General Assemblies shall be held in the following cases:
(1) When there are agenda items corresponding to each item in Article 27
(2) When a written request stating the purpose of the meeting is made by one-third or more of the councillors
(3)In cases corresponding to item 4 of Article 22
3 The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year.
4 The Branch Presidents’ Conference shall be held as necessary.
Article 30: The General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Branch Presidents’ Conference shall be convened by the President.
2 The President must convene the General Assembly within 30 days from the date of the request in cases corresponding to item 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 29.
3 Notices of the General Assembly and the Branch Presidents’ Conference must be given at least 20 days in advance, and notices of the Board of Directors meetings must be given at least 10 days in advance, stating the agenda items and other necessary matters.
Article 31: (This article is reserved)
Article 32: The chairman of the General Assembly shall be elected each time.
2 The chairman of the Board of Directors shall be the President.
3 The chairman of the Branch Presidents’ Conference shall be appointed by the President.
4 The chairman does not count towards the quorum in voting.
Article 33: Meetings cannot be opened or resolutions made unless more than half of the members constituting the meeting are present.
2 Except as otherwise provided in this constitution, resolutions of meetings shall be decided by a majority of the attendees, and in the case of a tie, the chairman shall decide.
3 Members who have expressed their intentions in writing in advance regarding the relevant agenda shall be considered present.
Article 34: Resolutions and other notices to members shall be published in the organization’s newsletter.

Chapter 6: Assets and Accounting
Article 35: The organization’s assets consist of the following:
(1) Assets inherited from the Scholarship Friends Association Establishment Preparatory Committee at the time of the organization’s establishment
(2) Membership fees, business income, and donations
(3) Income generated from assets
(4) Other income
Article 36: (This article is reserved)
Article 37: Cash among the assets shall, in principle, be securely deposited and managed by the President.
Article 38: (This article is reserved)
Article 39: The handling of donations shall be determined by the Board of Directors, except for those designated by the donors.
Article 40: The organization may accumulate or borrow funds with the approval of the General Assembly.
Article 41: Expenses required for the execution of the organization’s business shall be covered by membership fees, business income, and income generated from assets.
Article 42: The business plan and the accompanying income and expenditure budget for each fiscal year shall be prepared by the President before the start of each fiscal year and approved by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. However, until approval is obtained, the previous year’s example shall be referenced for execution.
2 The same applies to changes in the business plan and income and expenditure budget.
Article 43: The President shall prepare the settlement of accounts after the end of each fiscal year and, together with the inventory of assets and business report, submit them with the auditors’ opinions to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly for approval.
Article 44: The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on April 1 and end on March 31 of the following year.

Chapter 7: Amendments to the Constitution and Dissolution
Article 45: This constitution can only be amended by a resolution of the General Assembly with the consent of at least two-thirds of the attendees.
Article 46: The organization can only be dissolved by a resolution of the General Assembly with the consent of at least three-quarters of the attendees.
Article 47: Remaining assets at the time of the organization’s dissolution shall be donated to a public welfare project with similar objectives to the organization, with a resolution of the General Assembly requiring the consent of at least three-quarters of the attendees.

Chapter 8: Branches
Article 48: Each branch shall have an operating committee composed of several members.
2 The branch representative shall be the branch president, elected from among the operating committee members.
3 Operating committee members must be full members.
Article 49: A branch may have advisors and counselors.
Article 50: A branch may carry out the necessary projects in accordance with the basic policies determined by the General Assembly and with the approval of the Board of Directors.
2 The branch must report on the projects it has implemented to the President, as specified separately.
Article 51: In addition to what is stipulated in these regulations, necessary matters related to branches may be separately determined with the resolution of the Board of Directors.

Supplementary Provisions
1 These regulations shall come into effect on November 10, 1956.
2 As of the date of the enforcement of these regulations, current members shall not be required to pay the membership fee again.
3 The Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Ikueiyu-no-Kai shall be deemed to have been dissolved simultaneously with the establishment of this Association, and all its remaining duties and assets shall be taken over, executed, and managed by this Association.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from May 21, 1983.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from May 30, 1987.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from May 21, 1994, and shall apply from April 1, 1994.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from January 1, 1999. They shall apply to those who have not renewed their membership for the fiscal year 1998 and those who have completed their lending in the fiscal year 1998.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from April 1, 2000. However, the revised organization and titles may be applied from the date of the resolution by the General Assembly.
Supplementary Provisions
1.These regulations shall be revised and enforced from May 23, 2005.
2.As of the enforcement date of these regulations, members who were paying the communication fee under the previous Article 11 shall be deemed to have paid the membership fee for the fiscal year 2004.
3.The provisions concerning special members before the revision shall continue to be applied as before.
Any reference to "Japan Scholarship Association" in the rules and other regulations shall be read as "Japan Student Services Organization."
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from May 21, 2011, and shall apply from April 1, 2011.
Supplementary Provisions
These regulations shall be revised and enforced from May 19, 2012, and shall apply from April 1, 2012.
Supplementary Provisions
1.These regulations shall be revised and enforced from April 1, 2015. However, the preparations necessary for the election of officers under the revised regulations may be carried out before the enforcement of the revision.
2.As of the enforcement date of these regulations, those who are currently directors, except for those elected as directors under the revised regulations, shall be deemed to have resigned as directors simultaneously with the enforcement of the revision.
3.The term of office for the secretariat members appointed in fiscal year 2015 shall be one year.